Wishing everyone a safe & happy festive season. May you find time to rest & enjoy friends & family.

End of Year Office Closure Details

Office Closure Dates

20th December 2024 @ 12:00pm

Office Re-Opens

6th January 2025 @ 9:00am

Office Emergency Contact Details

Jeremy Wiesner | 0411 099 199 | pm@wiesnerproperty.com

Tradespeople Emergency Contact Details


ProFlush | 0405 812 821 | admin@proflush.com.au |


Electech | (02) 8064 5353 | info@electech.net.au |


David Carr Locksmiths ​| 02 9389 8543 | 

Emergency Hot Water | 9344 6602 |

Collins Roofing | 0433 658 541 | Gutterboy 0488 837 269

For Emergency assistance in Flood & Storm please contact the SES on 132 500.


We request that you email pm@wiesnerproperty.com in the event that you have had an emergency repair to notify the office that you have organised and engaged in one of the tradespeople above.

Please note, should you engage in a tradesperson that is not certified by WIESNER PROPERTY, there is no guarantee that the charge will be covered by the landlord.